Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Faith In ALL Things

Faith is not only for the huge things that we want to do in life. Faith is for everything we do. We have a level of faith in and for everything. We just don’t see it as such all the time. We have faith that chairs we sit in will hold us up. We have faith that our cars will get us to where we need to go on a daily basis. We have faith that we will get our paychecks come payday, for those of us that have regular jobs. We always don’t think of it, we just go day to day.

So in business we have to have faith in even the little things. Have faith in your daily efforts. Don’t just always stay so focused on the big picture. Sometimes we look so much at the big picture that we miss the details that we need to be attentive to our daily business. Yes, we need to be always mindful of the goal that we are working towards. Yes, we need to remember that we are working toward a greater purpose. But there is so much that goes into that greater purpose. We have to make those things happen. When they happen, business happens.

Being business minded is a struggle for some people, myself included. There are a lot of times that I have the opportunity to promote my business and I don’t. Honestly, I’m really not even thinking about it. Most of the time I have a one track mind and that is bad for business. That’s where my faith comes in. What I want to do is already in me. I just have to tap into it. I spend a couple of hours a day studying and reminding yourself of the things that I need to do that will help grow my business. Handing out business cards, making flyers, sharing your website are all very helpful tools.

Small things such as those will make a big difference in the progress and image of your business. Now the faith comes in with us. We have to have faith in ourselves that we have the ability to do business. We have what it takes to be business and not just run a business. Everyday we need to have on our minds what we can do to grow our business. We need to make business a priority. Sometimes we are losing because we are not as business minded as we should be. We may not be used to being business. We have to train ourselves everyday.

Never feel that you don’t have what it takes to have your own business. If you have the dream, then what you need to be successful is already in you. We have to have faith in ourselves that we can do what is necessary to be successful. Focus on being more business minded. Then we can be business and not just run a business.

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